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Tips For Running With Baby Jogging Strollers

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Here at, we're an authorized online seller of Baby Jogger Products. With our latest addition of the amazingly unmatched City Select Stroller, we decided to offer up some safety and comfort tips for when you're jogging with your City Select Stroller. As you know, it's always important to be safe when running. However, when you're running with a baby jogger stroller, you have even more reason to be cautious!

1. It's important to ensure that your baby is old enough to be with you. To make it simple, it's not safe to run with a child under 6 months old in a jogging stroller unless your stroller has a car seat adapter like ours.

2. Pack smart. Use the baskets and compartments that comes with your City Select Stroller wisely. This will ensure that you have plenty of wipes, diapers, water, snacks, toys, and whatever else you need for you and your little one.

3. Make sure to protect your child from the elements. Just because you're warming up while you're running doesn't mean that your child is! Make sure your child is bundled up in cooler weather and even consider a weather shield. On warm days, make sure your child isn't overdressed as you don't want him or her to overheat while you're running.

4. Strap your child in with the full harness! This will protect him or her from falling or getting shaken. Even if you're not moving very fast, it's still best to make sure they're full strapped in!